All Your Data. 60% Cheaper.

Nimbus uses intelligent traffic analysis and lossless log compression to optimize your  log volume without dropping data.

How it Works

Icon Integrations - Darktech X Webflow Template

1. Configure

Send your observability data to Nimbus by changing four lines in your existing agent configuration

Icon AI Data Predictions - Darktech X Webflow Template

2. Analyze

Nimbus scans all incoming logs to identify common patterns and optimizations while forwarding data upstream.

3. Optimize

Apply optimizations in a single click and watch your log volumes drop and stay down

Get better outcomes while reducing costs

Powerful Recommendations

Nimbus creates optimizations based on your distinct traffic patterns. It comes up with recommended transformations that can reduce your event volume by over 100X without dropping data!

Intelligent Traffic Analysis

Nimbus analyzes all your logs (out of band with no impact on latency) and automatically identifies similar log groups. This analysis becomes a rich source of insight for human operators and feeds into our optimization engine.

Monitor and Dashboard Aware

Nimbus tracks your existing dashboard and monitors and makes sure that optimizations keep compatibility with your existing monitors.

Smart Bypass for Critical Events

Nimbus will not aggregate error logs by default. You can also customize either a global bypass pattern or a per optimization bypass to ensure that important log events are never aggregated.

Intelligent Attribute Mapping (preview)

Nimbus helps you create and maintain standard attributes. It can automatically identify and map similar attributes as aliases to your standard as well as flag attributes that exist outside of your standard.

Useful Charts and Reports (preview)

Nimbus gives you understandable reports that let you understand your usage without getting lost into the details. Get an instant overview of your reserved and on demand costs and how prices are trending.

Datadog Cost Calculator

How Rutter Cut Volume by 80% with No Manual Effort

Rutter is an unified API solution for commerce that powers some of the world's leading B2B fintech companies like Mercury and Airwallex. These companies rely on Rutter for expedite global payments through high quality ready made integrations. Rutter's rapid success resulted in a steady surge of log volume which complicated analysis and dramatically escalated costs. The team wanted to continue using Datadog but wanted better operational efficiency without compromising on observability.

Observe What's New

4 Years In, OpenTelemetry Delivers on its Promise for Open Observability
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Logging Costs
Reduce Log Volume by 99% Without Dropping Data

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Frequently Logged Questions

Does Nimbus add extra latency to my logs?

Nimbus processes logs in near real time - the average message is proxied in under 100ms. This means that real time use cases like live tail are typically unaffected when using Nimbus.

There is a processing delay for aggregated logs - these are held until specific criteria are met (eg. max events, max timeout, stop condition, etc). How long aggregated logs are delayed depends on the aggregation criteria and is completely customizable by the user. It can also be paused or turned off at any time.

Nimbus also allows you to create bypass rules that ensure high priority logs are never aggregated. Error logs are bypassed by default.

What is Nimbus's availability?

Nimbus is highly available and has a guaranteed public SLA of 99.999%. It is staffed and operated by a ex-AWS engineers that have built some of the most widely available systems in the world. You can get real time visibility of Nimbus status via our status page.

How much does Nimbus cost?

Nimbus charges $0.10 per GiB processed and 30% of savings. For logs, this means we charge 30% of your log indexing price of the log events that Nimbus is reducing. Generally, customers end up saving 60% off their bill AFTER paying for Nimbus.

Do you offer a trial?

Yes. All customers get a risk free 2 week trial. It generally takes less than 30 minutes to setup the initial integration and a few days to see drastic volume reduction.

Are you SOC2 compliant?

We are currently in audit for SOC2 Type2 and expect to be certified July 2024. Meanwhile, we can provide an auditor affidavit of the current audit as well as other documents via our trust center.

Do you support other vendors besides Datadog?

Yes. Please contact us at for details on other vendor integrations.

Still have questions?

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